Virus Free Air (VFA) creation originates from the idea that clean healthy air is a right for everyone.
It was discovered that there was no technique available that was actually effective, efficient, and affordable. This has led to developing an own patented air purification technology by VFA which does meet these requirements. The focus of the air purifiers of VFA Solutions resonates with its name: air purifiers removing viruses, fine particulate matters, and allergens.
Through years of researching the aspects that affect air quality and continually developing and innovating its technology, VFA became an expert in air quality solutions. Its in-house knowledge makes it possible to switch quickly and to be able to always find a solution for any air quality problem.
Technofer is a private Dutch company registered in the Chamber of Commerce of The Hague in the Netherlands (KVK 66502608).
Technology is the common heritage of mankind. In order for human beings to survive in the age of decreasing resources and increasing population, there is no choice but to share technology to ensure the survival of mankind.
Technofer and VFA B.V. agreed in December 2019 to combine the resources of both companies in developing, marketing, selling, servicing and enabling finance methods for high healthcare for overseas markets, by making use where applicable and so desired and agreed of the respective knowledge, locations service and design capabilities, complementary existing product ranges, branding and marketing channels, finance methods, distributor channels, and commercial networks.
The ASPRA Mobile is as of today THE system to use for events/tests and parties…. going into Europe through rental model through a new distribution channel. They do all the event tents and catering, lighting and sound… and now with the ASPRA also air.
You can see some live pictures of our smallest stand-alone system from Monaco below: