VOC instruments | The laboratory wholesaler

VOS instruments was founded in 1983 by Rob Vos as a wholesaler of laboratory products. Devices and consumables were soon supplied to breweries and the petrochemical industry. But exports also took off. For example, VOS supplies instruments to Heineken laboratories all over the world. In the following years, the company grew rapidly, mainly due to a high level of service and reliability.

A second activity was started in 1991. In that year, VOS instruments took over the school activities of Griffin in England. In one fell swoop, VOS placed instruments on the map of leading suppliers of lab supplies for Biology, Physics and Chemistry.

In 2003 a new activity was started in the field of laboratory furniture for schools and laboratory furniture for industry. Together with the Dutch producer Vinitex, a reputation of a reliable supplier of high-quality laboratory furniture was built up under the name “VOS furniture” in a very short time.

VOS instruments develops, produces and supplies various own products under the VOS label. Various products are being developed especially for the beer industry, such as the “Hazemeter” for measuring brightness and the “Flask shaker” for the bitterness test.

In 2014, collaborations were started with manufacturers in the fields of electronics, laboratory equipment and educational materials. This enables VOS instruments to supply equipment and laboratory supplies under its own name, with its own specifications and at a high quality level. More than 400 VOC products were thus launched in 2015. With the scoop of a 3-year warranty. This strategy of high-quality own products will be rolled out further in the coming years.

In 2016, VOS instruments – in addition to VOS furniture – introduced a new laboratory furniture line. Very competitively priced and very high quality. The theme is “color your lab”.

In 2018, the VOC product line has grown to over 800 products.

In 2019, an intensive collaboration will be started with the South Korean JeioTech. This is the birth of a new product line: VOS Pro. This line offers the highest possible quality at a friendly price. The line includes circulation baths, coolers, water baths, stoves, incubators, shaking equipment, Life Science devices, autoclaves and laminar flow cabinets.

VFA Solutions

Virus Free Air (VFA) creation originates from the idea that clean healthy air is a right for everyone.

 It was discovered that there was no technique available that was actually effective, efficient, and affordable. This has led to developing an own patented air purification technology by VFA which does meet these requirements. The focus of the air purifiers of VFA Solutions resonates with its name: air purifiers removing viruses, fine particulate matters, and allergens.

Through years of researching the aspects that affect air quality and continually developing and innovating its technology, VFA became an expert in air quality solutions. Its in-house knowledge makes it possible to switch quickly and to be able to always find a solution for any air quality problem.

Technofer is a private Dutch company registered in the Chamber of Commerce of The Hague in the Netherlands (KVK 66502608).

Technology is the common heritage of mankind. In order for human beings to survive in the age of decreasing resources and increasing population, there is no choice but to share technology to ensure the survival of mankind.

Technofer and VFA B.V. agreed in December 2019 to combine the resources of both companies in developing, marketing, selling, servicing and enabling finance methods for high healthcare for overseas markets, by making use where applicable and so desired and agreed of the respective knowledge, locations service and design capabilities, complementary existing product ranges, branding and marketing channels, finance methods, distributor channels, and commercial networks.

The ASPRA Mobile is as of today THE system to use for events/tests and parties…. going into Europe through rental model through a new distribution channel. They do all the event tents and catering, lighting and sound… and now with the ASPRA also air.

You can see some live pictures of our smallest stand-alone system from Monaco below:


STC-KNRM is an Offshore Training center situated on a unique spot in the port of Rotterdam. As an Offshore
Training center it passionately ensures that everyone working at sea can safely return to their homes. It trains
for the Oil & Gas, Offshore Wind and Marine sectors. It also provides various courses for the industrial sector. 

The Dutch security cluster 'The Hague Security Delta' (HSD) is a network of businesses, governments 
and knowledge institutions that work together on innovative security solutions and knowledge development.
In this network, security issues are discussed and knowledge is shared on cyber security, national and urban security,
protection of critical infrastructures, and forensics. The HSD partners have a common goal: 
a more secure world, more business activity and more jobs. 
The core of the security cluster is the HSD Campus, the national innovation centre for security in The Hague.

About Technofer

Technofer is the private company that founded in 2016 in the Netherlands.


  • Technology is the common heritage of mankind. In order for the human beings to survive in the age of decreasing resources and increasing the population, there is no choice but to share technology to ensure the survival.


  • To encourage development and transfer of technology for betterment and improving standards of living of nations particularly developing countries;
  • To act as a bridge between the nations possessing the required technology and the peoples who need it to improve their standards of living;
  • To contribute to the alleviation of the miseries of poor countries by the employment of technology to reduce hunger, famine, pollution, and sanitary problems;
  • To assist the need nations to access the needed technology to improve sanitation, health care, food production, clean water, and low consumption of energy;
  • To identify and employ the skills and know-how for improving the standard of living for the poor nations.